This Easter was extra special because Jenny Edmans, our OLM (Ordained Local Ministry) curate has finished her curacy and become licensed to the Benefice of Bernwode as a House for Duty Minister. The Bishop of Buckingham, Alan Wilson licensed her and the Archdeacon, Karen Gorham preached at the service.
If you are wondering what a House for duty minister is then they normally work on Sundays plus two other days in exchange for living in a house owned by the church and do not have a stipend. However, Jenny will be remaining in her bungalow and I guess she will have a housing allowance in lieu of the house!
It is great news for the Benefice to have a Stipendiary Rector and a House for Duty priest as well, we are very fortunate that Jenny felt this calling and responded. Her duties will be much the same and she will still be rushing about doing the Children's work, Pastoral work, services and the rest.
I am sure we all want to give her our warmest congratulations.
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Hay Festiv...
1 week ago
Jenny, it was lovely to meet you at the Walk in Miss Read Country course at Denman. I hope you got my pictures, but if not, please email me at wendyejohnson at yahoo dot com